Beautéville connects 15 km old mountain road to activate thousands of acres of mountain views
11月26日,2016中国美妆小镇•天字古道寻踪探密徒步活动拉开帷幕,共吸引400多名来自全省各地的户外爱好者前来参加。天字古道主线全长15公里,涉及埭溪镇山宕、茅坞和五石坞3个村,辐射千亩山林,古道景区也成为省级特色示范小镇——中国美妆小镇的天然生态背景。 The TianZi Trail is the most complete preservation, the oldest, origin...



The TianZi Trail is the most complete preservation, the oldest, original ecology ancient trail in Wuxing District. It is also the longest route, like a maze of ancient history and culture. With the upport of Huzhou Tourism Commission, City Tourism Development Group, City Sports Federation, District Traffic and Tourism Bureau, District Culture and Sports Bureau, and with the participation of outdoor enthusiasts, the ancient trail was discovered and excavated, and gradually became widely known.

From the end of last year after the start of the development of the ancient trail, under the integration of Daixi Town, the villagers of the three villages along the route break the village boundaries to jointly develop, operate this "almost forgotten" old mountain road. The villagers formed a volunteer team to guide tourists on a voluntary basis. The farmers near the main line of the ancient trail also took the initiative to upgrade the forest road and open up the ecological landscape road. Some villagers also came together to rearrange the historical story of the ancient trail.


According to village cadre, this ancient trail has a thousand years of history. It was also the only way for villagers to go to the market town. It was still used at the end of the last century. Later, a new highway was biult, and fewer people went through this ancient trail. Villagers only went through this ancient trail when digging bamboo shoots and picking tea. At the beginning, it was only an ancient trail for a few mountaineers to explore. Under the promotion of the local tourism department, it was suddenly become "hot", attracting 20,000 tourists this summer.

The separate trails, now construct into a 15 km long "Great Wall of scenery". The town also invited professionals to the ancient trail for overall planning and design, and the entrance to the rows of buildings, along the road signs, pavilions and other construction, has invested more than 500,000 yuan.



From the Neolithic Yingpangshan ruins to the current Tiger Pool Reservoir, the history of Dixi is integrated into the landscape. The construction and development of Beautéville has given a soaring wing to the economic development of Daixi, while the excavation and construction of the ancient trail of Tianzhi has brought extremely rich resources to the ecotourism of Beautéville.



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