Hou Juncheng: Building the World Status of Chinese Cosmetics
Hou Juncheng, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Beauty Industry Chamber of Commerce.Building the world status of Chinese cosmetics On February 18, the first week af...

Hou Juncheng, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Beauty Industry Chamber of Commerce.

Building the world status of Chinese cosmetics

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On February 18, the first week after the Spring Festival, Li Qiang, governor of Zhejiang Province, came to Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, to investigate the development of PROYA and the "China Beautéville" led by the leaders of China's cosmetics industry and Hangzhou Cosmetics Association. Li Qiang sighed during the visit: it is not enough to see PROYA in half a day, but it will take a day to feel it.            

From November 2015 to now, this Chinese cosmetics production base and "China Beautéville" located on the Bank of Taihu Lake have successively received visits from many important leaders, including Xia Baolong, Secretary of Zhejiang provincial Party committee, Li Qiang, governor of Zhejiang Province, and Mao Linsheng, Secretary of the Party group of the standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress.            On February 19, people's daily, Xinhua news agency, Guangming Daily, Central People's broadcasting station and other media also flocked to visit the production headquarters of PROYA.            Why is she so charming? A few days ago, Hou Juncheng, vice president of the association of cosmetology and cosmetics industry, President of Hangzhou Cosmetics Association and chairman of PROYA Cosmetics Co., Ltd., was interviewed by reporters.

Entrepreneurship: carrying the banner of national brand            

Hou Juncheng, born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province in the 1960s, is an entrepreneur with extraordinary courage and vision. Among the five brothers and sisters, Hou Jun was the smallest, with four sisters. At the age of 16, Hou Juncheng, who was in middle school, lost his father. He could have continued his studies with the help of his sister-in-law. He decided to make his own living and drop out of school to study auto repair with his brother-in-law. Four or five years later, 20-year-old Hou Juncheng opened his own auto repair and sheet metal factory, recruited more than 20 apprentices and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship.


A chance opportunity changed the life of Hou Juncheng.            In the 1990s, the rise of Yiwu Commodity market attracted a large number of entrepreneurs with dreams. At that time, Hou Juncheng's young husband wanted to go to Yiwu to do cosmetics business, and asked him to do it in partnership. Hou Juncheng, who was eager to explore the world, did not think much about it. He left the garage to his brother-in-law, Fang Yuyou. He went to Yiwu with her husband and began to be called "the cause of creating beauty".

When Hou Juncheng just entered the cosmetics industry, the market was full of fake and inferior products. However, Hou Juncheng insisted on two principles: first, never sell fake and shoddy products; second, do not make miscellaneous brands, only make cosmetics with brands. In the first year in Yiwu, he lost money, but in the second year, the situation improved. Adhering to the principle of integrity and brand management, he won the trust of manufacturers and customers, and successively became the agent dealer of famous cosmetics brands such as xiaonurse, Yuxi, Dabao, languiren, etc., and the turnover reached the top three in Yiwu.

The dream of success is a driving force of life. Hou Juncheng's dream is to make his own brand cosmetics.            

In 1999, Hou Juncheng came to Hangzhou and started his third venture. While looking for talents who really understand R & D and production, he systematically studies cosmetics production and sales knowledge, from upstream R & D and production to product price positioning and marketing strategy. The characteristics of a successful person, such as diligence, sagacity, boldness and so on, are fully revealed in him. After several years of hard work, Hou Juncheng and his brother-in-law Fang Yuyou jointly founded PROYA Cosmetics Co., Ltd. in 2003, shouldering the banner of building a national cosmetics brand.            

According to Hou Juncheng, at that time, China's cosmetics industry had about 200 billion yuan of market cake, but 80% of the market share was occupied by foreign brands. The day of PROYA's start was the day when the international cosmetics giants were wantonly attacking the Chinese market. In 2003 and 2004, little nurse and Yuxi were acquired by L'Oreal of France; in 2007, c-bao "married" bayersdorf in Germany; in 2008, Dabao was acquired by Johnson & Johnson of the United States; in 2010, Ding Jiayi "married" French Coty group It is hard to escape the misfortune of Chinese brands seen by international giants.


After its establishment, PROYA adheres to the principle of quality first, integrity management and brand management. Relying on meticulous marketing planning and strong execution, it has developed rapidly under the leadership of Hou Juncheng. In only 10 years, it has achieved the miracle of annual retail sales from zero to 4 billion, and has established the first position of domestic cosmetics monopoly stores. During this period, many overseas venture capital institutions also wanted to acquire perair. Hong Kong Morgan international investment fund and LV fund all sought Hou Juncheng, but they were all rejected by Hou Juncheng. According to Hou Juncheng, being acquired by them means that Chinese national brands will be "hidden" by them.    


"What we want to do is China's PROYA, even the world's, not foreign ones," Hou said


Dream, released at Louvre, France            On October 15, 2015, the world's first press conference of "Huzhou, China's cosmetics production base", was held at the Louvre in Paris, France. Hou Juncheng confessed his "dream of China's cosmetics industry" to the world as soon as he appeared on the stage: "today, we come to Paris with a dream, a dream of China's cosmetics industry. We will build a brand-new and world-class Chinese cosmetics industry cluster in Huzhou, China, to comprehensively improve the development level of China's cosmetics industry, benefit consumers at home and abroad, and provide a business platform for cosmetics enterprises with dreams all over the world. "

France is home to the largest cosmetics industry cluster in the world. There is a "cosmetics Valley", with 800 beauty and cosmetics enterprises, many international famous cosmetics brands such as Jiaolan, Shiseido and Chanel. It also has seven universities and more than 200 laboratories, covering the whole industry of cosmetics, producing one tenth of the cosmetics sold in the world. Hou Juncheng chose to publish his dream in France at the Louvre. Undoubtedly, he wanted to tell the world about the ambition and status of China's cosmetics industry.  

Hou Juncheng once described his dream as follows: the national cosmetics production base, led by the leaders of China's cosmetics industry and Hangzhou Cosmetics Association, has a total planning area of 10 square kilometers, of which the industrial core area is 3.28 square kilometers. It is planned to be built in three phases within 10 years, with a total output of 100 billion yuan. The ultimate goal is to build a world-class Chinese cosmetics industry cluster and become a business card of China's cosmetics industry.


Hou Juncheng said that it will also be the core area of the "China Beautéville" created by Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It will be built into a cosmetics featured town with industry as the core and integrating culture, tourism, community and other functions. It will become a model of China's new urbanization construction, an innovative mode of "industry city development", and a cosmetics technology innovation incubation base and Internet cosmetics All kinds of supporting projects, such as industrial entrepreneurship center, cosmetics special industry fund, national cosmetics laboratory, third party authoritative inspection and Certification Center, cosmetics characteristic colleges and universities, cosmetics and fragrance and fragrance Museum, cosmetics brand display street, logistics storage base, and so on.            


As one of the leaders, Hou admitted that the original intention of the project stems from a simple desire to let the world's largest cosmetics consumer group use the best cosmetics. He believes that with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, China's cosmetics market will maintain a compound growth rate of more than 20% in the next 10 years, making it the largest cosmetics consumer in the world. To create this platform, we hope that more excellent international cosmetics enterprises will settle down in China and customize more high-quality cosmetics for Chinese consumers.


Hou Juncheng believes that China's cosmetics enterprises also need an industrial highland to gather global industrial resources and elements and improve the level of the whole industry. His dream is not only strongly supported by the local government, but also affirmed by peers. In September 29, 2015, the first China cosmetic industry leaders summit was held in Huzhou, the chairman of the China perfume and fragrance cosmetics industry association, Chen Shaojun, the president of the National Federation of cosmetics and cosmetics industry, Ma Ya, the founder of the beauty makeup Museum of Beijing, Yang Zhigang, the cosmetics newspaper Du Hongjun, the chairman of the media, Deng Min, and the vice president of the Korean cosmetics association in China. He paid a special visit to the PROYA factory and the Chinese Beautéville under planning, and expressed their willingness to participate in the project.            At present, Hou Jun has adopted the strategy of "integration of politics, production, finance and network" in the realization of industrial goals, namely, "government support, industry leading, capital assistance, Internet plus". It is expected that in the next 10 years, a world-class cosmetics industry cluster and Beautéville will blossom and bear fruit in his dream.


Public welfare, written on the big screen of New York Times Square            

On November 26, 2015, New York ushered in a grand Thanksgiving. On this day, the new United Nations "national ceremony" PROYA water sooner or later on the well-known New York Times Square big screen. This is the first time that China's local cosmetics brand has boarded the times square, and it has also taken an important step for China's cosmetics to enter the world.

In this public service advertisement on the big screen, we can see that the goddess of Liberty holds up her morning and evening aquatic products with her torch in her right hand. Around her neck is a scarf with the logo of "heforshe" (a project for promoting gender equality launched by the United Nations women's office) jointly promoted by pellea and the UN women's office, and the logo of her and UN women's office is highlighted in the upper right corner. This novel and unique design work is Hou Juncheng's representative work of leading the people of pelaya to actively fulfill their social responsibilities and participate in public charity.


Hou Juncheng is an entrepreneur with strong feelings of Chinese traditional culture. In the most striking part of his office, there are two big words: "gratitude". He was faithful to the principle of being rewarded by the spring. Since 2007, he has continuously contributed to the cause of public welfare and charity.           

 In Lijiang of Yunnan Province and Huzhou of Zhejiang Province, there are "PROYA Thanksgiving forest" and "PROYA forest" planted by Hou Juncheng and the PROYA people; in his hometown of Wenzhou, there are roads, schools, office buildings and elderly activity centers that he donated to build. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, perleya donated 5 million yuan of property; in 2013, through the donation of China Youth Development Foundation for Ya'an disaster area, they purchased music and art equipment for 12 local primary schools, and opened the "beautiful art classroom of PROYA", realizing the dreams of many children.

"Beautiful life, beautiful life" is the enterprise mission of the company where Hou Juncheng is located. Hou Juncheng and PROYA people have been committed to the cause of beauty, focusing on the care of women from the inside to the outside, and extending this kind of care from skin care to the social field, striving to become the leaders of women and children's public welfare undertakings.

In 2007, PROYA hope primary school was completed in Pingliang City, Gansu Province. In 2013, PROYA became a strategic partner of UN women (UN entity for gender equality and women's empowerment). In September of the same year, PROYA donated the first batch of 3 million yuan of public welfare funds to UN women's office, as the beginning of public welfare cooperation between the two sides, and opened the curtain of the nationwide "broad sky · women's employment equality program".            

On November 19, 2013, at the UN women's global summit forum convened by PROYA, PROYA and CEOs of ten global famous enterprises, such as Fuxiang of the United States, yingterli of Italy and manson of Germany, signed the principle of empowering women with the UN women's office. In 2014, PROYA and the UN women's Office actively launched a number of women's public welfare projects to help women realize their dreams.


The sense of corporate social responsibility and innovative public welfare ideas of Hou Juncheng and pelaya people have been highly recognized by the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and executive director of UN women's programme and former vice president of South Africa, phumzile mlanbo ngokuka. On May 22, 2015, deputy secretary general engekuka paid a special visit to PROYA to express his gratitude.            There are countless such acts of kindness. Hou Juncheng often said: "the wealth created by enterprises is not my personal, it is all employees', but also social. Therefore, we should actively participate in public welfare undertakings and make contributions to the society, so as to give back to the society."            

This is another aspect of Hou Jun's life.             

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