Excellent! Beautéville!
2020 annual assessment results of Speciality Town has announcedBeautéville won the excellent grade

2020 annual assessment results of Speciality Town has announced

Beautéville won the excellent grade




Beautéville has been awarded as one of the top ten provincial model special towns and provincial industry benchmark town. Since its construction, the Beautéville has firmly locked the four target orientations of "beauty industry gathering center, beauty culture experience center, beauty fashion expo center and beauty talent technology center", built the whole industry chain led by beauty, and committed to build "Oriental Glasse".



So far, Beautéville has introduced 190 enterprises, including 172 cosmetics and related enterprises, with a total planned investment of 32 billion yuan. It has become the only core bearing area of the cosmetics industry in Zhejiang Province during the 14th Five Year Plan period, and has successfully established a cosmetics teaching base of the Advanced Research Institute of the State Food and drug administration. In 2020, it successfully completed the naming and acceptance of provincial characteristic towns, was rated as excellent and ranked first in fashion towns in the annual assessment for two consecutive years, and was awarded "Zhejiang Province Cosmetics Innovation Supervision and High-Quality Development Demonstration Base" and the "2019-2020 Provincial Demonstration Base for the Integration of Industry and Education ".


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